An insurance policy that provides protection to the properties against various kinds of risks, such as fire, theft, smoke, wind, hail, weight of ice and snow, lightning and more is called property insurance. It concerns with the specialized forms of insurance like flood insurance, earthquake insurance, home insurance or boiler insurance. This policy also provides liability coverage in case someone other than owner or renter is injured while on the property, and decides to sue. However, it doesn’t cover the damages caused by water sources such as floods, tsunamis, drain backups, sewer backups, groundwater seepage, standing water, etc.

Property insurance, today, is a very broad concept. It is a multi-billion dollar annual business covering all the losses and risks that different commercial and personal property bears. Today, property insurance covers more than just tangible real and personal property, it has come to recover lost income, business interruptions, computers, business papers, and trademark, patent and copyright infringement.
Property can be insured in two ways: open perils and named perils. Open perils provide compensation to the loss and damages of the property caused by any perils except those that are specifically excluded. It is also called as all-risks policy. Such type of policy is suitable if you want to cover a large number of perils or if you don’t have specific dangers in your area of business, but want a good insurance coverage. Named perils are different than that of the open perils. Named perils policy specifically includes the name of the certain perils, damages or hazards that may occur and covers that only. This type of policy can be adopted when you live in the area that is at risks for certain events or natural disasters, like living near the coasts where hurricanes area common, or living in the Midwest that frequently experiences tornadoes.